It’s a giveaway!


As promised my first giveaway and the chance to win a hand painted necklace pendant with a runner up prize of 25% off at animalglassdesigns 🙂

It’s to celebrate that my website not only links to my Etsy and Folksy shops but now has the functionality to buy my new animal pendants directly from the website shop page. Payment is via paypal and hopefully it is easy to do, my not very tech savvy mum tested it out (sorry mum but true!) with some problems finding her way around but I’ve made adjustments and fingers crossed it’s now user-friendly to all!

To enter my giveaway all you need to do is look at my website and answer these two questions.

[polldaddy poll=7124025]


2) Which of the 10 is your favourite pendant?

Please leave your answer to this question in comments.

All shares, tweets, likes etc are very welcome! One entry per person, the pendant prize includes p&p. Closing date is Friday 31st May and I will randomly select 2 winners on Saturday 1st June. Good luck.

45 thoughts on “It’s a giveaway!”

  1. I love the Peacock Pendant, there are so many gorgeous colours in there, it would go beautifully with my summer wardrobe!

  2. I like the lady bird pendant because of the colours – so vibrant, but if I was going to buy one I would probably buy the owl pendant. Great giveaway!

    1. Thanks for all your comments so far, you are entered & good luck.

      Iain and Graham I know it’s a tough choice but if you can’t decide on one please try to choose 2 or 3!

  3. Oh hard to choose for me between the kingfisher and the peacock but I think the kingfisher just has it.

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