Apologies that my posts have been getting more infrequent. The days seem to whiz by since starting my business, so I’ve decided to challenge myself to remedy this with your help.
From next week I’m going to start an alphabet challenge, painting an animal and promoting a business linked to animals with each letter of the alphabet.
I will need your help with suggestions of your favourite animal businesses and/or an animal for me to paint each week. Every Monday I will do a post letting you know that week’s letter, so you can add your suggestions. On Friday I will post information on the chosen business and show you my animal painting.
It should be a great way for us all to discover new businesses that care for or love animals, as well as focussing my mind for 6 months, with 26 letters!
Other News
I now offer free UK p&p and reduced international postage in my Etsy shop and website.
This means you will no longer get any nasty surprises on the cost of postage!
I will be honest with you that I have had to increase the cost of some items to compensate but customers have said they prefer the total cost to be more transparent. If this proves popular I will introduce it to my Folksy shop too.

A new product is laminated bookmarks using painted images, I’m enjoying having a laminator!
Inspired by a craft fair with the theme myths and legends I painted dragons, unicorn and a phoenix with glass paint and digitally altered them on the computer.
The remaining ones are now on ebay, here are a couple
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