1984 Diary, Friday 27th April

I had a head scan at the National Hospital this morning and we arrived a bit late, so there was a mixup, as someone else had taken our turn. The problem was my nurse J was expected back quite soon, but we now had to wait. I was extremely thirsty and luckily could have a drink, as I wasn’t having any dye this time.

The scan was agony because I had sponges on the side of my head and I was in a metal thing which was much too small (the sponges were meant to make it comfortable). I wasn’t in there that long, but I could almost feel bruises forming it was so tight. Had an eye test as well in the National but I found it difficult, as the sides of my head hurt so much.

Mum went home this evening. Dr P came back from his holidays and so I saw him. He said that everything was going very well and I will probably be able to go to ward 5D on Monday.