Art and Crafts

Art and crafts blog posts about all things art, crafts and design by Annabel Potter. Includes other artists work as well as Annabel’s and art found during her travels.

Something fishy for the letter U!

The letter U choice for my animal alphabet challenge was quite limited. There are Umbrella birds believe it or not, who have feathers shaped like an umbrella on the top of their heads. However after all the rain we’ve had in the UK, I reckon we’ve seen enough umbrellas! So I chose sea urchins to paint. Urchins come …

Something fishy for the letter U! Read More »

Puffins and Poodles for letter P art challenge!

Hi, can’t believe another week has gone by and it will be February soon. At least that means spring is only round the corner and the bulbs will be coming out. I love spring with nature bursting into life. For my alphabet challenge this week is the letter P. I’ve chosen to do a puffin because a young girl …

Puffins and Poodles for letter P art challenge! Read More »