Art and Crafts

Art and crafts blog posts about all things art, crafts and design by Annabel Potter. Includes other artists work as well as Annabel’s and art found during her travels.

Gifts for him

Since finishing my alphabet challenge my blog posts have reduced, down to about once a month. I definitely want to change this but at the same time need to minimise typing, computer use and paint more. A tricky one as I’m getting pain in my left hand, possibly arthritis but not to be defeated my solution …

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A caption competition seemed a good idea at the time but with no entries, it obviously wasn’t 😐 No worries, I will write about bits and bobs instead and hopefully something else will interest or inspire you! First up I wanted to share a wonderful way to deter ants from your house. I’d not had …

Ants! Read More »

Caption Competition

Here are the first two photos for the caption competition. Please leave your caption suggestions in comments and at the end of May I’ll set up a vote. There will be prizes 🙂 If you’d like me to feature your art work for this caption competition, please do contact me.

New Venture and a letter Y dog

I’ve discovered Zazzle, an on-line print on demand service, so my penultimate letter Y challenge is a few days later than planned! Zazzle is great because you’re able to add your designs to a variety of products without having to keep stock yourself and zazzle does all the posting too. Customers can also customise items …

New Venture and a letter Y dog Read More »