Poetry Picture Books

These children’s books are now available as ebooks or paperback.

The illustrated poems help to explain science and nature in a fun and memorable way. The children’s books are in an easy to read format. 

See my blog for more info and author page. 

In response to coronavirus and so many children being home schooled, I also did an audio version during lockdown. Listen below and follow my podcast Rhymes of Science and Nature to hear more. Please do leave feedback on Podbean or Apple, as it helps more children find them.

Animal Alphabet Colouring Book

An animal alphabet colouring book with an animal drawing for every letter of the alphabet and paintings for colour reference.

Inside there are also interesting facts about the animals.

This alphabet project was created for a library residency, exhibited in Exeter library in 2018.

New colouring in products have since been created, for lots of crafting fun!

Animal Alphabet Books

Animal Alphabet Colouring Book

Animal Alphabet Colouring Book

£5.99 – £8.99

Buy now
Picture of travel size animal alphabet colouring book with a pencilTravel Size 6 by 9 inches on Amazon. Click image to buy

T-shirts and aprons to colour in, male and female in different sizes and styles.

Coloured in frog on a Lily pond drawing on a t-shirt
Frog and Lily pond drawing coloured in with washable pens on a Zazzle t-shirt

Colouring-in products with animal drawings
Colouring-in products with animal drawings
by Annabel